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TECNOECOR is a company based in Mexico City, which provides our customers in Mexico and Central America with professional support from our partners from different companies based in Europe, United States and Asia.


We represent and cooperate with international companies which manufacture systems and develop technologies for a wide variety of industries.

We strive to find the best solutions, according to the needs of our customers, which can be applied in an efficient way, technically and economically.

TECNOECOR is continuously searching for the latest technologies, so we can always offer our customers the best available option.


Feel free to contact us for the promotion and sales of your technologies and equipment to the Mexican and Central American markets.





TECNOECOR focuses on industries which require more reutilization of their resources, in order to reduce costs in their operations and reduce waste. Some of these industries are:


- Mining industry


- Cement industry


- Foundries


- Pulp and Paper industry


- Plastics industry


- Glass industry


- Food & drink industry


- Beer industry


- Agricultural Products

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